The long-awaited Circular regulates the access and connection of energy production facilities in the transmission and distribution networks in Spain.
The CNMC approves the Circular on grid access and connection in Spain
Among other aspects, the Circular of the CNMC (National Markets and Competition Commission) published today in the BOE, sets out the minimum content that requests for access and connection permits must have and the conditions for their acceptance.
Likewise, in line with what the sector had been demanding for a long time, the Circular establishes that network managers must keep the data on the capacities available at the nodes updated monthly on their website.
Finally, it establishes that self-consumption facilities without surpluses and those with surpluses of less than 15 kilowatts (kW) that are located on urbanized land will be exempt from processing access and connection permits.
As always, at SÓLIDA we remain attentive to regulatory changes in order to provide the best support to our clients.
See the full content (in Spanish) of the circular at: