Legal Notice

In order to comply with Article 10 of the Spanish Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform the user of our data:

TAX ID B85294437
ADDRESS C/ Musgo 2, 1.º, Planta C, Edif. Europa II, 28023 Madrid.
CONTACT Telephone: (+34) 914855316; (+34) 911726282
REGISTRATION DATA Tomo 25099, Libro 0, Folio 46, Sección 8, Hoja M-452067d.


In the event that this web page may contain links to other portals or websites not managed by SÓLIDA, this company states that it does not exercise any control over said sites nor is it responsible for their content. The links that this website may contain will be offered solely as informative references, without any type of assessment of the contents, owners, services or products offered from them.

In any case, SÓLIDA is exempt from any liability in relation to the services provided by said third parties against any claims of any nature and lawsuits that may be filed in relation to them.

Applicable legislation

The relationship between SÓLIDA and the User will be governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any discrepancy that may arise between SÓLIDA and the User, both parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.